5/19/2024 1st Day of 3rd Month Observation

Shalom Fam! Praise Yah! At the dawning of the day, we begin the 1st day of the 3rd month. Jubilees shows us one of the blessed historical events that took place on the 1st day of the 3rd month.

Jubilees 14:1-2;5-8

1 … on the first day of the third month, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a dream, saying: ‘Fear not, Abram; I am thy defender, and 2 thy reward will be exceeding great.’ And he said: ‘Lord, Lord, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go hence childless . . . one that will come out of thine own bowels; he will be thine heir.’ And He brought him forth abroad, and said unto him: ‘Look toward heaven and number the stars if thou 5 art able to number them.’ And he looked toward heaven, and beheld the stars. And He said 6 unto him: ‘So shall thy seed be.’ And he believed in the Lord, and it was counted to him for 7 righteousness. And He said unto him: ‘I am the Lord that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee the land of the Canaanites to possess it for ever; and I will be God unto thee and to 8 thy seed after thee.’

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